Know the developmental stages of infants and children. A good summary can be found in the Denver Developmental Screening Test, which breaks down development graphically into several areas, such as gross motor, fine motor, social skills, and language. It is probably a good idea to memorize the following milestones: (remember these are AVERAGES with a wide range of normal)
rolls over
4 mos
pulls to sit
5 mos
stands with assistance 8 mos
pulls self to stand
9 mos
12 mos
walks up steps
14-21 mos
rides tricycle
2.5-3 years
2nd year of medical school
Fine motor:
follows to midline 1 mo
follows past midline 2 mos
grasps rattle
4 mos
neat pincer grasp 12 mos
turns to voice
3 mos
imitates speech
6-9 mos
3 word vocabulary 12 mos
200 word vocabulary 20 mos
follows directions 22 mos
knows arcane
latinate roots
1st year of medical school